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Joshua 3

A LONG THOUGHT from the Holy Bible’s Old Testament from THE BOOK OF JOSHUA, chapter 3.

Have you ever heard people refer to God as ‘the man upstairs,’ or He is my ‘buddy?’ These phrases seem so disrespectful of God. Chapter 3 presents us with ‘the living God.’ This chapter will help us to see who God really is and ought to be to those of us who know Him as our LORD and Savior.

This chapter lets us see the children of Israel finally at the banks of the Jordan River. The people were going to finally enter the Promise Land that God had promised to Abraham years before. The Scriptures of chapter 3 reveal the instructions that God gave to Joshua to lead the Israelites across the Jordan River and into the Promised Land. I think that the instructions are applicable for followers of Christ today, to know and remember how to walk in God’s ways.

Before the people were to cross the Jordan River, Joshua told the people to ‘consecrate’ themselves to the LORD God. To walk in God’s ways, His followers must be willing to separate and consecrate from anything that will corrupt our walk with God.

Joshua instructed the Levitical priests to carry the Ark of the Covenant to the edge of the Jordan River. The Ark of the Covenant was a symbol of God’s presence at the crossing of the Jordan River. God would cause a miracle to take place for the millions of people to cross the river.

It is important that we remember that the Ark of the Covenant was to be their guide as well as a reminder that God was present with them for the miracle. As soon as the priests’ toes touched the edge of the river’s water, “The LORD of all the earth, shall rest in the waters…the waters of the Jordan shall be cut off from flowing and the waters coming down from above shall stand in one heap.” (V. 13. ESV) Then the priests were to stand in the middle of the river on dry ground so that the people could cross over on dry ground. The Ark of the Covenant was not to be touched by the priests or the people, yet is was the people’s guide for the new way.

You and I must remember that ‘the living God’ is sovereign. He is holy and glorious. He is to be held in high honor and glory. He is not our buddy or just the man upstairs! The Ark of the Covenant would reveal His presence and show the Israelites the way that they were to walk. It would be before them as they entered the Promise Land.

Wonderful things of God will happen when His children follow His instructions! The chapter verses tell us that a miracle happened, “the waters coming from above stood and rose up in a heap very far away…And the people passed over…all Israel was passing over on dry ground until all the nation finished passing over the Jordan.” (Vs. 16-17, ESV)

Today His Word, the Holy Bible, is our guide to know and do His ways. His followers must be willing to read, know and obey His Word in order to walk in His ways. Obedience is absolutely necessary to walk in the ways of God. We must ‘consecrate’ our lives for the LORD so that we can obey His commands. The writer of the Book of Hebrews, chapter 3-4 warns disobedient Christians not to come short of all that God has planned for them. “We must move forward in faith with God” (Warren Wiersbe) and obey Him daily.