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Joshua 4

A LONG THOUGHT from the Holy Bible’s Old Testament from THE BOOK OF JOSHUA, chapter 4.

Two times in this chapter the LORD God told Joshua to build a memorial in the middle of the river bed and one on the banks of the west side of the Jordan River.What did the memorial mean?

Chapter four reveals the details of the Israelites crossing over the Jordan River. It was in the Spring time, when the river was overflowing its banks. Crossing the Jordan River would take God’s people into the Promise Land that God had told Abraham that He would give to his descendants. That was to be a day of marked victory.

Do you have any rivers that you need to cross in your life? Rivers could be issues that you need to cross in order to see the mighty hand of God in your life. Rivers could be strongholds in your life that need to be overcome so that you can live victoriously for Jesus Christ. This chapter reminds followers of Christ today that nothing is too big or difficult for God to get us across the rivers that we need to cross.

Listen, God can get you and I across any river or circumstance in our lives. When it came time to cross the Jordan River that was overflowing its backs, God made a way. Though the river could have been 2-3 miles wide, God made a way. God’s way of victory always includes you and I being willing to hear God’s Word and then being willing to obey God’s Word.

God told Joshua to send the priests to the banks of the Jordan River caring the Ark of the Covenant. As soon as their toes touched the Jordan River, God caused all of the waters of the river to cut off from flowing (3:13) and both sides of the river stood upon on its heap. The priests stood in the middle of the river on dry ground. The river parted so the people could cross over on dry ground. What a miracle! (3:17)

Then God told Joshua to have 12 men from the twelve tribes of Israel to go to the river bed and secure 12 large stones. One memorial was built in the river bed and one memorial was built on the west side of the Jordan River.What were the memorial markers for? There were two reasons for building the memorial markers. They were to be markers for the people to remember that the hand of Almighty God made it possible for them to cross the mighty Jordan River so that they could inherit the Promised Land.Another reason was that the people might fear the LORD their God forever.

Do you have any memory markers of the hand of God doing something great or small in your life? Memory markers remind us often that God is an amazing God. Wearing a cross might remind you that Jesus took your sins and nailed them to the cross so that you could be right with God. A wedding ring might be a reminder that it was God who joined you together with your life mate. Pictures of your children on your walls may be reminders that God blessed your life to raise children for the glory of the LORD.

What has the LORD God done in your life? Do you need to builder a memorial marker to remind you and others of God’s hand at work in your life? Today, why not sit down and count your blessings and remember what God has done in your life.